接口开发随着时间推移接口会越来越多,随着多部门之间的协作越来越频繁, 维护成本越来越高, 文档的可维护性越来越差, 需要一个工具来管理这些接口的文档, 并能够充当mock server给调用方使用
composer require darkaonline/l5-swagger
laravel >= 5.5
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "L5Swagger\L5SwaggerServiceProvider"
php artisan l5-swagger:generate
laravel < 5.5
php artisan l5-swagger:publish
php artisan l5-swagger:publish-config
php artisan l5-swagger:publish-assets
php artisan l5-swagger:publish-views
php artisan l5-swagger:generate
注意:在运行 php artisan l5-swagger:generate 命令之前,请确保在app目录下存在@OA\Info注解和 且至少定义一个@OA\Get 注解(接口) 否则会异常:
* @OA\Info(
* version="1.0.0",
* title="L5 OpenApi",
* description="L5 Swagger OpenApi description",
* @OA\Contact(
* email="darius@matulionis.lt"
* ),
* @OA\License(
* name="Apache 2.0",
* url="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"
* )
* )
* @OA\Get(
* path="/api/users/{user_id}",
* summary="根据 ID 获取用户信息",
* tags={"用户管理"},
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="user_id",
* in="path",
* required=true,
* description="用户 ID",
* @OA\Schema(
* type="string"
* )
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="用户对象",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/UserModel")
* )
* )
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="UserModel",
* required={"username", "age"},
* @OA\Property(
* property="username",
* type="string",
* description="用户名称"
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="age",
* type="int",
* description="年龄"
* )
* )
* @OA\SecurityScheme(
* type="oauth2",
* description="这里有多中校验方式:basic|apiKey|oauth2",
* name="Password Based",
* in="header|query",
* scheme="https",
* securityScheme="Password Based",
* @OA\Flow(
* flow="password",
* authorizationUrl="/oauth/authorize",
* tokenUrl="/oauth/token",
* refreshUrl="/oauth/token/refresh",
* scopes={}
* )
* )
'securityDefinitions' => [
'securitySchemes' => [
* Examples of Security schemes
'Authorization-Bearer' => [ // Unique name of security
'type' => 'apiKey',
// The type of the security scheme. Valid values are "basic", "apiKey" or "oauth2".
'description' => '用户登录鉴权Token',
'name' => 'authorization',
// The name of the header or query parameter to be used.
'in' => 'header',
// The location of the API key. Valid values are "query" or "header".
参数 | 含义 |
type | 类型 “http”, “apiKey”, “oauth2”, “openIdConnect” |
name | 名称 |
in | 需要API密钥的位置 值为 query、header |
flow | OAuth2安全方案使用的流 值为:“implicit”、“password”、“application”或“accesscode” |
authorizationUrl | OAuth2授权URL |
scopes | OAuth2安全方案的可用范围 |
如果在使用中遇到了Authorize:apiKey header模式情况下,token未通过header进行请求传递的话请参照修复
window.ui = ui
ui.getConfigs().requestInterceptor = function (request) {
if (ui.authSelectors.authorized().size){
var authObject = ui.authSelectors.authorized()._root.entries[0];
var securityConfig = authObject[1]._root.entries[1][1]._list._tail.array;
if (securityConfig[0][1] === 'apiKey' && securityConfig[3][1] === 'header') {
var token = authObject[1]._root.entries[2][1];
if (authObject[0] === 'Bearer' && !token.startsWith('Bearer ')){
token = 'Bearer ' + token;
request.headers[securityConfig[2][1]] = token;
request.headers['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = '{{ csrf_token() }}';
return request;
运行完php artisan l5-swagger:generate 命令后就可以通过浏览器查看接口文档(访问/api/documentation: 当然这个地址可以在l5-swagger.php配置文件中进行修改)